Tuesday, May 6, 2008


This is another puppy update. The puppies are now eating puppy chow!!! They are defiantly Saki's pups. Saki' we have to remove from the situation because she will eat her puppies food. They are starting to walk really well and are also talking alot more. Pretty soon I will have to take them outside to go to the bathroom... Saki' isn't cleaning up as well anymore. That is what I need is more poo in my day.

Here is another puppy profile. This is Tank. He is the fattest and the laziest of the puppies. We took him off of Saki's nipples and he tried to start nursing me. He was also the first black puppy to figure out how to eat the puppy chow. He is a very sweet pup but likes to stay close to Saki'. Tank is also my daughters favorite puppy. I think it is because he takes the abuse the best.

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